Friday, March 23, 2018

Below is a message that went out this morning from the Patients Rights Action Fund regarding the continuing battle against physician assisted suicide.  Another evidence that God is on the throne.  We are thankful and praise God for this victory.  
Many more battles in this war are to come.  I testified this last Tuesday at the Connecticut Public Health Committee hearing and I believe that we will be successful in seeing this bill rejected, but we don't take these victories for granted and continue to work.  
St Augustine has been quoted as saying:  "Work as if everything depended on you and pray as if everything depended on God".   

The Massachusetts Joint Committee on Public Health held a poll vote today and the result is that both the House and Senate assisted suicide bills were sent to a study committee, effectively killing the bills for this legislative session! This is a huge victory – Massachusetts was one of the big targeted states for Compassion and Choices.   
            The odds were formidable:  40 bill sponsors, the media, and four full-time paid employees working for Compassion and Choices in the state.  The Massachusetts Alliance did a commendable job in defeating the bills.   Many testified at a public hearing; 25 doctors held a Doctors' Day at the State House; the doctors and members of the disability community visited committee members on a continual basis; the disability community die legislative briefings; and constituents held district meetings with committee members.  The Patients Rights Action Fund assisted the Alliance in training and strategy and put together the Doctor’s Day.  Aides said that in the end, they were counting calls asking for the bills to be defeated which contributed significantly to the defeat.    Congratulations and kudos to the Massachusetts Alliance Against Doctor-Prescribed Suicide, Second Thoughts Massachusetts and our physicians.

Friday, March 2, 2018

02 March 2018

Physician assisted suicide has again come to the Connecticut legislature as of today.  Raised HB 5417 says it is:  "To allow a physician to dispense or prescribe medication at the request of a mentally competent patient that has a terminal illness that such patient may self-administer to bring about his or her death."

This has been formally defeated three years in a row and advocates stepped back to regroup but are back to push this immoral, unethical and dangerous concept.  

There are many other avenues to pursue for end of life care that don't require making your health care professional complicit in your death rather than the time-honored tradition of being a healer and not your killer.

Call or write your state senator and representative to tell them that this is a dangerous bill and concept to bring into this state.